Funded Energy Redress Projects

Since the Energy Redress Scheme launched Phase One of the scheme in 2018, Energy Saving Trust has awarded over £102 million to fund nearly 538 projects across England, Scotland and Wales. These grants have enabled organisations to deliver projects that help energy consumers in vulnerable situations to save energy and money in their homes and to live warmer, more comfortable lives. Phase Two of the scheme launched in May 2022.

To find out more about the projects we have funded, see the full list, which can be filtered.

You can also find specific case studies of some of the funded projects here.

Full list of projects

This is a complete list of successfully funded Energy Redress Scheme projects since 2018.

Phase 2
  • Round 5
Round 5
United Kingdom
  • England
  • London
Grant award
Project Name
Case notes system for energy advisors

This project will develop and pilot a free, entry-level case notes / client relationship management (CRM) and impact reporting tool dedicated to UK energy advisors. Co-designed by energy advisors themselves, the tool will help advisors to speed and scale their delivery, helping a larger number of clients to reduce their domestic energy use.

The tool will enable energy advisors to securely store, search and update records of interactions with clients across their support and outreach activities. Additionally, the tool will use aggregated data to generate impact reports, reducing the time spent

This project will develop and pilot a free, entry-level case notes / client relationship management (CRM) and impact reporting tool dedicated to UK energy advisors. Co-designed by energy advisors themselves, the tool will help advisors to speed and scale their delivery, helping a larger number of clients to reduce their domestic energy use.

The tool will enable energy advisors to securely store, search and update records of interactions with clients across their support and outreach activities. Additionally, the tool will use aggregated data to generate impact reports, reducing the time spent collating this information and allowing energy advisors increased time to develop new relationships and services to meet the needs of their diverse local communities. 

Phase 2
  • Round 5
Round 5
United Kingdom
  • Scotland
  • West Dunbartonshire
Grant award
Project Name
West Dunbartonshire Energy Advice

The project aims to support those in fuel crisis and promote resilience against fuel poverty by providing practical help to vulnerable households within West Dunbartonshire. The project will provide a holistic programme of advice and support, including guidance on home energy efficiencies, finding the best tariff, and advocacy for those in dispute or debt with providers.

The project will be delivered through both virtual and in-person methods, including pop-up ‘Energy Hubs’ across community venues to provide information and advice, in partnership with local organisations.

Phase 1
  • Round 5
Round 5
United Kingdom
  • Wales
  • Pontypridd
Grant award
Project Name
Chillout & Save Your Energy

This project will work with young people to educate and train them to engage with energy issues, providing the understanding, tools, personal support and resources that they need to make better informed choices and decisions regarding energy.

A toolkit will be developed to help specialist youth workers integrate energy advice into their work with young people and the project will enable four social action projects to be developed by young people across Wales.

Phase 2
  • Round 5
Round 5
United Kingdom
  • Scotland
  • Blairgowrie
Grant award
Project Name
The HEAT Project 2

The project will deliver a free, impartial and expert energy advice service to vulnerable consumers throughout Perth and Kinross. The project aims to provide free home energy advice to over 2,500 vulnerable households through a range of channels, including advice surgeries, telephone and email advice, and in-depth home energy surveys. Working in partnership with other organisations, the project will also refer households to suitable sources of direct help, grants and other financial services and support them through any application process.

Phase 2
  • Round 6
Round 6
United Kingdom
  • England
  • Lancashire
Grant award
Project Name
North Lancashire Energy Matters

The project aims to assist vulnerable residents in Lancaster District to ensure that they can access appropriate advice and support when confronted with energy problems so they can stay warm and safe in their homes. 

They will provide crisis support to residents seeking help with energy problems, deliver energy advice and support, as well as liaise with multiple agencies to ensure clients can get help they are eligible to receive.

Phase 2
  • Round 6
Round 6
United Kingdom
  • England
  • Newcastle
Grant award
Project Name
West End Warmers 2

The project aims to help elderly people in Newcastle with personalised energy advice. They will hold Energy Awareness Sessions to provide energy saving advice and tips. The project will also offer Energy Advice appointments delivered from their brand new 'Pop-in' shop on the local high street, at their office, or at their community hubs, and 'drop-ins' offering support to liaise with energy providers to resolve billing issues, support with energy switching to the best tariff. Their Energy Advisor offers home energy assessments with advice on steps that can save energy or make the house more

The project aims to help elderly people in Newcastle with personalised energy advice. They will hold Energy Awareness Sessions to provide energy saving advice and tips. The project will also offer Energy Advice appointments delivered from their brand new 'Pop-in' shop on the local high street, at their office, or at their community hubs, and 'drop-ins' offering support to liaise with energy providers to resolve billing issues, support with energy switching to the best tariff. Their Energy Advisor offers home energy assessments with advice on steps that can save energy or make the house more energy efficient.

Phase 2
  • Round 6
Round 6
United Kingdom
  • England
  • Shrewsbury
Grant award
Project Name
Building Retrofit in the Marches 2

The project will make independent, impartial, and trusted retrofit advice available as widely as possible to householders via free webinars, events, access to their ‘Technical Panel’, and online resources. They will support householders with concerns about affordability and disruption, develop strong installer links, and work at a community level with the support of local advocates, to achieve the highest possible ‘success rate’. The project will demonstrate ways domestic retrofit can be scaled up rapidly and build crucial momentum in decarbonisation across the Marches. 

Phase 2
  • Round 6
Round 6
United Kingdom
  • Scotland
  • Edinburgh
Grant award
Project Name
Children 1st - Energy Support for Families

The project aims to deliver high-quality tailored support and advice to families impacted by childhood adversity, trauma and poverty. The project will address root causes of ongoing fuel poverty, increase energy efficiency awareness, as well as help families stay connected and tackle their energy issues.

Phase 2
  • Round 6
Round 6
United Kingdom
  • Scotland
  • Glasgow
Grant award
Project Name
Milnbank Energy Advice Project

The project will offer the communities of Haghill and Dennistoun in the East End of Glasgow access to personalised energy advice and advocacy on an outreach basis across their three community halls. As part of the project, they will develop a series of energy workshops on a wide range of topics, aimed at encouraging behaviour change within their local community. 

Phase 1
  • Round 6
Round 6
United Kingdom
  • England
  • Middlesbrough
Grant award
Project Name
Cosy Homes South Tees

The project will create energy advice provision in Redcar & Cleveland, developing the proactive approach already used in Middlesbrough and providing consistency across the South Tees Affordable Warmth Partnership area.

Provision of an extensive one-to-one advice programme with a strong focus on families, developing a robust referral pathway to support vulnerable clients through energy advice, access to energy efficiency measures, income maximisation and wellbeing support.


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