Many of the projects funded via the Energy Redress Scheme involve the development of useful tools and resources that could be of interest and use to other advisers and organisations.

Woman speaking on a call with a headset on in front of a laptop


We've collected the recordings of our webinars that charities or organisations might find useful if they are looking to apply for Energy Redress Scheme funding. You can find all of the past webinars here.


Reports and research

Research into how to better support certain groups of vulnerable people has been completed for a few of our projects. Here is an example below:

Evaluation - Heating Controls for the visually impaired - undertaken by Northumberland County Blind Association

Which heating controls? - undertaken by the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers.

How accessible are energy switching services? - undertaken by the Research Institute for Disabled Consumers.

Findings from a Local Energy Advice project - undertaken by Clackmannanshire Citizens Advice

Switched On - A qualitative review of energy advice for young people - undertaken by Citizens Advice Manchester

Evaluation of Rural Communities Energy Support Network - undertaken by Centre of Sustainable Energy


Videos, blogs and podcasts

Some grantees have produced digital media for their clients and audiences.

The Deaf Smart Energy information and resource hub by the Royal Association for Deaf People features a wide selection of short video clips with British Sign Language interpretation. Topics include common energy terms, energy saving tips, different meter types and accessing services such as the Warm Homes Discount and Priority Services Register.

South Seeds featured in the Local Zero podcast, talking about energy advocacy services in a time of crisis.

National Energy Action's (NEA) video about Understanding Solar PV and their Warm Welcome project

A podcast that engages young adults with energy - YOUTHPOD by Youth Cymru (Spotify)

Scope's promotional video for their energy advice service

A Climate Comic from Forth Valley Sensory Centre made by primary school pupils about keeping beaches clean and includes a visual tutorial of some of the British Sign Language signs and alphabet

A collection of videos  on energy efficiency advice for households from Warmer Homes West Midlands

Videos, guides, and masterclasses to help students live independently from Students Organising for Sustainability


Advice materials

Many of our grantees have developed digital or print materials to help spread the word about energy saving. Here are a few examples:


Training and e-learning

Birmingham Disability Resource Centre has developed e-learning modules on the following topics:

  • Being a savvy energy shopper
  • Keeping Warm and Dry
  • Consumer Rights, Billing and Tariffs

Prioritise Me is an online training resource developed by Speak up Self Advocacy to support people with learning disabilities and autistic people to understand the energy market. The package includes easy to understand guides and videos on:

  • Billing and tariffs
  • Switching suppliers
  • Smart meters
  • Keeping your house warm

Citizens Advice Purbeck has created an energy advice briefing for their generalist advisors. Please note that some of the content is Dorset Specific. The briefing includes information on:

  • Priority Services Register
  • Switching suppliers
  • Referral options
  • Funding schemes
  • Smart meters



Promotional material and press releases

Some of our grantees have created promotional materials and press releases. Some examples are below:

Promotional posters and flyers:




Some of our larger projects are actually the vision from a range of partners working together across a broad area.

Citizen’s Advice Arun and Chichester are delivering the ‘Tackling Fuel Poverty Together’ project, a coordinated home energy support service across Sussex.  They are working with the West Sussex Local Authorities, West Sussex County Council, Installers, Community and Health partners to ensure a consistent and coordinated approach to promoting affordable energy for the most vulnerable in West Sussex. You can see their advice website here.



case study

Case studies

You can find case studies on projects that have been funded through the Energy Redress Scheme here.

South Seeds have also published some specific case studies of resolving energy issues here.

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Contact our team for more information about how we help Charities, Community Interest Companies, Co-operative Societies and Community Benefit Societies.