Contact our team for more information about how we help Charities, Community Interest Companies, Co-operative Societies and Community Benefit Societies.
We've collected the recordings of our webinars that charities or organisations might find useful if they are looking to apply for Energy Redress Scheme funding.
You can also find more information in our guidance documents.
Creating a Successful Application
We walked through the Energy Redress application process and how to increase your application's chances of success.
Carbon Emissions Reduction Fund Q&A
We highlighted some important changes to the scheme guidance for the Carbon Emissions Reduction Fund applications and answered questions about the type of projects we are looking to fund.
Energy advice - how to write a strong application
This webinar was aimed at organisations looking to apply for funding who are new to delivering energy advice projects.
Just Transition Fund
This webinar offers advice and guidance on how to write a strong application for the Just Transition funding stream.
Energy Redress Scheme Dashboard Demo
A quick demonstration of how to use our Energy Redress Charity Dashboard - for charities and organisations who are interested in learning how to effectively apply to the scheme through the online portal.