Funded Energy Redress Projects

Since the Energy Redress Scheme launched Phase One of the scheme in 2018, Energy Saving Trust has awarded over £102 million to fund nearly 538 projects across England, Scotland and Wales. These grants have enabled organisations to deliver projects that help energy consumers in vulnerable situations to save energy and money in their homes and to live warmer, more comfortable lives. Phase Two of the scheme launched in May 2022.

To find out more about the projects we have funded, see the full list, which can be filtered.

You can also find specific case studies of some of the funded projects here.

Full list of projects

This is a complete list of successfully funded Energy Redress Scheme projects since 2018.

Phase 1
Round 11
United Kingdom
  • Scotland
  • Aberfeldy
Grant award
Project Name
Warm Connections

Warm Connections provides a free, impartial energy advice service to households in Aberfeldy and the surrounding area, where there is a predominance of rural, off the gas grid households. The main aims of the project are to give advice ranging from behavioural changes through to signposting to grants and loans, and securing emergency financial support for those in fuel debt, raise awareness of home energy use, mental wellbeing and climate change by informing and educating the general public about actions that can be taken and support which is available. 

Warm Connections provides a free, impartial energy advice service to households in Aberfeldy and the surrounding area, where there is a predominance of rural, off the gas grid households. The main aims of the project are to give advice ranging from behavioural changes through to signposting to grants and loans, and securing emergency financial support for those in fuel debt, raise awareness of home energy use, mental wellbeing and climate change by informing and educating the general public about actions that can be taken and support which is available. 

Phase 1
Round 11
United Kingdom
  • England
  • Barnstaple
Grant award
Project Name
Warmer Homes North Devon

Warmer Homes North Devon will work to support vulnerable patients with health issues and those more at risk from the impacts of Covid-19 which could be made worse by living in a cold home. It will provide one-to-one in-depth personalised energy advice to patients, when they are at their most vulnerable and may have energy related money issues or risk living in a cold and damp house through a Warmer Homes Advisor and volunteers who will work alongside hospital discharge teams, working as part of ‘help returning home’ schemes to provide patients with energy advice, home visits and case work for

Warmer Homes North Devon will work to support vulnerable patients with health issues and those more at risk from the impacts of Covid-19 which could be made worse by living in a cold home. It will provide one-to-one in-depth personalised energy advice to patients, when they are at their most vulnerable and may have energy related money issues or risk living in a cold and damp house through a Warmer Homes Advisor and volunteers who will work alongside hospital discharge teams, working as part of ‘help returning home’ schemes to provide patients with energy advice, home visits and case work for those needing extra support.

Phase 1
Round 11
United Kingdom
  • Scotland
  • Oban
Grant award
Project Name
Lochaber Affordable Warmth Service

Lochaber Affordable Warmth Service, led by ALIenergy, in partnership with Home Energy Scotland (HES) and in collaboration with a range of local organisations will tackle the challenge of delivering an affordable warmth advice service for the diverse communities of Lochaber with a particular focus on off-gas households including social tenants, private tenants and homeowners. Households will be supported via an experienced Home Energy Advisor to extend comprehensive support to the vulnerable and often isolated households across this large and challenging area of the West Highlands of Scotland.

Lochaber Affordable Warmth Service, led by ALIenergy, in partnership with Home Energy Scotland (HES) and in collaboration with a range of local organisations will tackle the challenge of delivering an affordable warmth advice service for the diverse communities of Lochaber with a particular focus on off-gas households including social tenants, private tenants and homeowners. Households will be supported via an experienced Home Energy Advisor to extend comprehensive support to the vulnerable and often isolated households across this large and challenging area of the West Highlands of Scotland.

Phase 1
Round 11
United Kingdom
  • England
  • London
Grant award
Project Name
Enabling Inclusive Innovation & Sustainable Choice

Enabling Inclusive Innovation and Sustainable Choice will combine Research Institute for Disabled Consumers (RiDC) and Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) resources, skills and knowledge to provide strategic new research and assets to support the development of innovative, accessible smart and low carbon energy products and services, and inform consumer and policymaker decision making. Disabled and older consumers and a newly formed Living Lab test resource of 50 homes, will take part in a programme of six insight and test evaluation projects, including co-design workshops, accessibility and

Enabling Inclusive Innovation and Sustainable Choice will combine Research Institute for Disabled Consumers (RiDC) and Energy Systems Catapult (ESC) resources, skills and knowledge to provide strategic new research and assets to support the development of innovative, accessible smart and low carbon energy products and services, and inform consumer and policymaker decision making. Disabled and older consumers and a newly formed Living Lab test resource of 50 homes, will take part in a programme of six insight and test evaluation projects, including co-design workshops, accessibility and usability evaluations and mystery shopping. All research findings will be reviewed with cross-sector stakeholders and consumers to jointly develop action plans for solutions.

Phase 1
Round 11
United Kingdom
  • Wales
  • Haverfordwest
Grant award
Project Name
Ateb Group

Save Energy Save Money will address fuel poverty and promote better awareness of home energy efficiency to empower vulnerable people living in the remote rural communities of Pembrokeshire and West Carmarthenshire to deal with their energy bills and household income more effectively and find ways to save money. This will be achieved by delivering one-to-one tailored energy advice sessions and ongoing casework for complex issues.

Phase 1
Round 11
United Kingdom
  • England
  • Walsall
Grant award
Project Name
Energy Resilience Project

The Energy Resilience Project team will work closely with the local authority and other relevant groups to provide high quality energy saving information to the most vulnerable groups within the borough. Using qualified energy advisor to deliver advice and also training several volunteers to become energy champions, they will be able to provide support, energy awareness sessions and share best practice with the community network. The project will also produce a mobile app containing useful tips, local and national support and tools will provide on-going support.

The Energy Resilience Project team will work closely with the local authority and other relevant groups to provide high quality energy saving information to the most vulnerable groups within the borough. Using qualified energy advisor to deliver advice and also training several volunteers to become energy champions, they will be able to provide support, energy awareness sessions and share best practice with the community network. The project will also produce a mobile app containing useful tips, local and national support and tools will provide on-going support.

Phase 1
Round 11
United Kingdom
  • England
  • Birmingham
Grant award
Project Name
Bournville Village Trust

Birmingham Fuel Poverty Alliance partnership will work with people on multiple complex social and economic needs around poverty, housing, domestic abuse, digital inclusion as well as fuel poverty. Ten energy advice advocates with Energy Efficiency training will deliver advice and advocacy, raising awareness of the help among people who are newly at risk of fuel poverty due to the economic and social impacts of Covid-19. 

Phase 1
Round 11
United Kingdom
  • England
  • Macclesfield
Grant award
Project Name
Homes Fit For Study

Homes Fit For Study (HFFS) will support over 21,500 students helping reduce their exposure to fuel poverty by providing high quality home energy advice to students, living in the private rented sector (PRS), supporting them to adopt energy saving habits through a behaviour change and awareness raising campaign, implement low/no cost energy efficiency measures, improve their thermal comfort and understand their heating systems, learn to understand energy bills and tariffs, including switching advice and support, in particular those already struggling with their bills, seek out energy efficient

Homes Fit For Study (HFFS) will support over 21,500 students helping reduce their exposure to fuel poverty by providing high quality home energy advice to students, living in the private rented sector (PRS), supporting them to adopt energy saving habits through a behaviour change and awareness raising campaign, implement low/no cost energy efficiency measures, improve their thermal comfort and understand their heating systems, learn to understand energy bills and tariffs, including switching advice and support, in particular those already struggling with their bills, seek out energy efficient properties and appliances. Home energy audits will be delivered by trained student home energy advisors, providing peer-to-peer advice. 

Phase 1
Round 12
United Kingdom
  • England
  • Sheffield
Grant award
Project Name
Reaching Out Sheffield

Reaching Out Sheffield will deliver energy efficiency advice to 1,500 of the city’s hardest to reach and most vulnerable older people, with a particular focus on black and ethnic minority people. It will provide advice on saving energy, keeping homes warm, support to reduce fuel bills, and repairing or replacing faulty equipment. Where needed, we will also provide and fit, free of charge, equipment such as draught excluders and low energy light bulbs.

Phase 1
Round 12
United Kingdom
  • Wales
  • Denbigh
Grant award
Project Name
Force 4 Energy

Force 4 Energy, will deliver energy advice to 6,000 vulnerable veteran households, recruiting from the veteran community to help the veteran community. Trained outreach assessors will provide energy efficiency assessments, delivery and installation of small efficiency measures and remote/home visit advice. The project will help households to deal with energy and other debts, to access the Warm Homes Discount, to get better deals and to resolve disputes with energy companies. It will also provide guidance on free or low-cost changes that can be made around the home to reduce fuel usage some of

Force 4 Energy, will deliver energy advice to 6,000 vulnerable veteran households, recruiting from the veteran community to help the veteran community. Trained outreach assessors will provide energy efficiency assessments, delivery and installation of small efficiency measures and remote/home visit advice. The project will help households to deal with energy and other debts, to access the Warm Homes Discount, to get better deals and to resolve disputes with energy companies. It will also provide guidance on free or low-cost changes that can be made around the home to reduce fuel usage some of which we will provide. 


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