Community Energy Virtual Microgrids

Pure Leapfrog

The project refines a business model design for virtual microgrids, allowing a community energy group to sell electricity at lower prices to local consumers. To achieve this a community would need to be able to access the Balancing and Settlement system, via a Balancing Responsible Party; to design and correctly size generation and storage assets; and to operate control systems. The project will manage these aspects on behalf of the community, alongside ongoing support with the paperwork and administration of implementing and managing this solution. 

This will allow the community to set their own rates for purchasing excess energy spilled to the grid from local renewable energy assets, and selling energy back to local consumers. The project aims to provide local consumers with lower rates for their energy, whilst still generating profit for community benefit (e.g. through a local funding pot).

United Kingdom
Fund Type
Phase and Round
Round 8
Grant award
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